Physician Partner Donation Levels:

Become a Physician Partner of the Medical Foundation of Nashville, and support the foundation launched by the Nashville Academy of Medicine!

Partners enjoy benefits including:
• Recognition - Your name will be included in the annual report listing of Physician Partner donor levels with the Medical Foundation of Nashville.
• Networking and education - Physician partner donors will be invited to select networking events with your physician peers and other MFN donors.
• Information - All MFN donors will receive the monthly e-newsletter, NAM News, with important updates.

Donation Levels:
The Physician Partner investment for non-members is $200.  NAM Members enjoy a discounted Physician Partner level investment of only $100.  Resident, fellow, and medical student members of NAM receive special pricing of $50 to become a Physician Partner of the Medical Foundation of Nashville.

NAM members - To become a Physician Partner, simply click the drop down menu below and select Physician Partner (NAM Member) $100. This designation is renewable annually in the same quarter.

Non-members - To become a Physician Partner, click the drop down button below  and select Physician Partner (non-member) $200. This designation is renewable annually in the same quarter.  Your contact information should be included with your payment or emailed to Nikki Ringenberg at for inclusion in the donor listing.

Partnership Opportunities

Want to make a donation?  Click here to support the Medical Foundation of Nashville with your donation.