Information for Patients/ Información para pacientes

Project Access Nashville Specialty Care (PANSC), a program under the leadership of the Nashville Academy of Medicine and the Medical Foundation of Nashville, provides a coordinated system of donated specialty medical care to low-income, uninsured residents of greater Nashville and Middle Tennessee. PANSC connects qualifying patients with specialty care providers who have agreed to donate their services.

If you are an established patient or a potential new patient with questions, please feel free to contact our office. Our staff is fully bilingual in Spanish and English and can arrange a phone interpreter for other languages, if needed. It is best to pick your care navigator’s extension, if you know it, when calling in. Our office is open Monday through Friday from 8:30 to 4:30PM. If you are calling afterhours or during a holiday, please leave a message and we will return your call on the following business day.

Since its 2005 inception, PANSC has coordinated over $51.5 million in donated medically necessary healthcare and over 35,000 patient appointments with physicians and hospitals. None of this would be possible without our network of over 1,800 volunteer physicians, hospital partners, and community clinics. Thanks to recent expansion initiatives, PANSC currently serves patients from over 31 Middle Tennessee counties.

Who is Eligible for PANSC?

To qualify for PANSC, patients must…

    1. Be referred to PANSC by a participating primary care clinic. For help finding a clinic in your area, call us at 615-712-6237 and we would be happy to assist.
    2. Be a resident of Middle Tennessee.
    3. Have a household income at or below 200% of the current federal poverty line.
    4. Not be eligible for health insurance, including but not limited to TennCare, CoverKids, Medicare and employer-sponsored insurance.

All PANSC patients must submit verification of all income for the entire household every 6 months and a current proof of TN residency. The best way to find out what you need to submit is to give our office a call at 615-712-6237. For a list of documents accepted for proof of income, click here for English and here for Spanish. Frequently used document templates are located at the bottom of this webpage. If you would like one of these documents mailed to you, please contact the PANSC office.

How Can I Submit My Proof of Income or Proof of Residency?

Eligibility documents can be submitted in the following ways…

  • Faxed directly to the PANSC office – Fax: 615-712-6247
  • Dropped off in person at the PANSC office
  • Submitted using the this secure form
  • Securely emailed – must contact the PANSC office for this option

Frequently used documents:

Employer Form (English)
Employer Form (Spanish)
Advocate Form/ Proof of Hardship (English)
Advocate Form/ Proof of Hardship (Spanish)

If you are a provider or clinic, please see the links below:

Información para pacientes